Innumerable as the Starrs of Night,
Or Starrs of Morning,
Dew-drops, which the Sun
on every leaf and every flouer
NGC3132 ©
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,
— that is all
Ye know on earth, and all
ye need to know.

E = M

Energy is eternal delight.
William Blake

Impearls: 2003-06-22 Archive

Earthdate 2003-06-27

Lindsay, Thomas Martin, 1843–1914

I did a little checking and was able to determine that the effects of the Reverend T. M. Lindsay's life (author of the powerful essay “The Triumph of Christianity” republished recently in Impearls) have not completely dropped off the world's cultural radar screen over the past century.  The Rev. T. M. Lindsay is Thomas Martin Lindsay, who lived from 1843 to 1914, passing on a few years after his remarkable essay appeared, in 1911, in the original Cambridge Medieval History.

A number of Lindsay's books are still in circulation.  Searching the University of California's Melvyl database, card catalog to all the U.C. system libraries, one finds the following works available:

A history of the reformation (in 2 volumes, L/C call no. BR305 .L5 1913)

Luther and the German Reformation (BR325 .L5)

The church and the ministry in the early centuries (BR155 .L5)

College addresses and sermons / preached on various occasions / by the late Thomas Martin Lindsay (BV4310 .L5)

Letters of Principal T. M. Lindsay to Janet Ross (BX9225.L5 A2)

Of the foregoing, Lindsay's The church and the ministry in the early centuries would seem closest in subject matter to his “The Triumph of Christianity,” and might contain expanded material compared with the latter (with regard to the former, moreover, see below).  His Letters of Principal T. M. Lindsay to Janet Ross (including correspondence from 1906 to 1914) would seem likely an interesting look at him, his correspondent and the times.  (Janet [Ann Duff-Gordon] Ross, 1842-1927, was a literary figure of the day, a close contemporary of Lindsay's and, to hazard a guess, a lifelong friend.)

Beyond those directly authored works, Reverend Lindsay produced annotated versions of:

The gospel according to St. Mark / with introduction, notes and maps (microform; Mfiche cab ATLA 1987-2017)

The gospel according to St. Luke / with introduction, notes and maps (microform; Mfiche cab ATLA 1985-2138)

The Acts of the Apostles / with introduction, notes and maps (microform; Mfiche cab ATLA 1987-1131)

Lindsay also did the “chronological arrangement” for:

The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ / arranged in the order in which its parts came to those in the first century who believed in our Lord (BS2085 1906 .L6).

Finally, Lindsay translated and annotated the following:

System der Logik und Geschichte der logischen Lehren by Friedrich Ueberweg; translated from the German, with notes and appendices, by Thomas M. Lindsay as:  System of logic and history of logical doctrines (microform; BC15 .U4).

All of the above (as they're in the Melvyl catalog) are available at University of California libraries, and certainly elsewhere as well, either directly or via interlibrary loan.  Beyond that, a search of the world's best used bookstore (the collection of many of the planet's bookstores, the Advanced Book Exchange, or ABE books) shows that many of the above are available for purchase there (as is the Cambridge Medieval History, for Lindsay's “The Triumph of Christianity” along with much else, for that matter).

Furthermore, Google reveals a site called the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (maintained by Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan) containing Lindsay's book The Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries in an online, PDF format.  (CCEL shows a different L/C call number for that book, i.e. BV648, than the U.C. system's Melvyl catalog does, for some reason.)  I haven't had a chance to peruse the online version as yet, but I imagine it's worth checking out.

Impearls: 2003-06-22 Archive

Earthdate 2003-06-26

Bibliography for The Triumph of Christianity  by the Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., LL.D.

General Bibliography for the (original, 1911) Cambridge Medieval History, Volume I:  The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms


I.  Dictionaries, Bibliographies and General Works of Reference

III.  Chronology

IV.  Collections of Sources

V.  Modern Works

Bibliography for Chapter IV:  the Rev. T. M. Lindsay's The Triumph of Christianity

A.  Original Authorities

B.  Modern Works

The exact text of Lindsay's essay was extracted from The Cambridge Medieval History, planned by J. B. Bury, Volume I: The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms, Edited by H. M. Gwatkin and J. P. Whitney, Chapter IV (in its entirety): “The Triumph of Christianity,” by the Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., LL.D. (Principal of the Glasgow College of the United Free Church of Scotland), 1911, Cambridge at the University Press; p. xiii (Table of Contents), pp. 87-117 (Chapter IV), pp. 615-623 (Abbreviations, General Bibliography), and pp. 636-641 (Chapter IV Bibliography).

General Bibliography for Volume I.   The Christian Roman Empire.   Abbreviations.

AARAB.    Annales de l'Académie royale d'archéologie de Belgique.    Antwerp.

AB.    Analecta Bollandiana.    Brussels.

ABe.    Archives belges.    Liège.

AHR.    American Historical Review.    New York and London.

AKKR.    Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht.    Mainz.

AM.    Annales du Midi.    Toulouse.

AMur.    Archivio Muratoriano.    Rome.

ASAK.    Anzeiger für schweizerische Alterthumskunde.    Zurich.

ASBoll.    Acta Sanctorum Bollandiana.    Brussels.    1643-1894.    60 vols.

ASHF.    Annuaire-Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de France.    Paris.

ASI.    Archivio storico italiano.    Florence.

ASL.    Aschivio storico Lombardo.    Milan.

ASRSP.    Archivio della Società romana di storia patria.    Rome.

BCRH.    Bulletins de la Commission royale d'histoire.    Brussels.

BEC.    Bibliothèque de l'Ècole des Chartres.

BHisp.    Bulletin hispanique.    Bordeaux.

BRAH.    Boletin de la R. Academia de la historia.    Madrid.

BZ.    Byzantinische Zeitschrift.    Leipsic.

CQR.    Church Quarterly Review.    London.

CR.    Classical Review.    London.

CRSA.    Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.    Paris.

CSEL.    Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum.    Vienna.    1866, in prog.

CSHB.    Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae.    Bonn.    1828-97.

DCB.    Dictionary of Christian Biography.    Smith, W. and Wace, H.    London.    1877-87.    4 vols.

DZKR.    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Kirchenrecht.    Leipsic.

EHR.    English Historical Review.    London.

HJ.    Historisches Jahrbuch.    Munich.

Hm.    Hermes.    Berlin.

HVJS.    Historische Vierteljahrsschrift.    Leipsic.

HZ.    Historische Zeitschrift (von Sybel).    Munich.

JA.    Journal Asiatique.    Paris.

JB.    Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft im Auftrage der historischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 1878 ff.    Berlin.

JSG.    Jahrbuch für schweizerische Geschichte.    Zurich.

JTS.    Journal of Theological Studies.    London.

MA.    Le moyen âge.    Paris.

MGH.    Monumenta Germaniae Historica.    Berlin.    Pertz, G. H.    1902, in progress.

MIOGF.    Mittheilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung.    Innsbruck.

MPG.    Migne, J. P.    Patrologiae cursus completus.    Series graeca.    Paris.    1857.

MPL.    Migne, J. P.    Patrologiae cursus completus.    Series latina.

NAGDG.    Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde.    Hanover.

QFIA.    Quellen und Forschungen aus italianischen Archiven und Bibliotheken.    Rome.

RA.    Revue archéologique.    Paris.

RBAB.    Revue des bibliothèques et des archives de la Belgique.    Brussels.

RBén.    Revue bénédictine.    Maredsous.

RCel.    Revue celtique.    Paris.

RCHL.    Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature.    Paris.

RE3.    Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche.    Herzog and Hauck.    Leipsic.

RH.    Revue historique.    Paris.

RHD.    Revue d'histoire diplomatique.    Paris.

RHE.    Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique.    Louvain.

RN.    Revue de numismatique.    Paris.

ROC.    Revue de l'Orient chrétien.    Paris.

RQCA.    Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte.    Rome.

RQH.    Revue des questions historiques.    Paris.

RSH.    Revue de synthèse historique.    Paris.

RSI.    Rivista storica italiana.    Turin.

RSS.    Rivista di scienze storiche.    Pavia.

SPAW.    Sitzungsberichte der k. preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.    Berlin.

TQS.    Theologische Quartalschrift.    Tübingen.

TRHS.    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society.    London.

TSK.    Theologische Studien und Kritiken.    Gotha.

VV.    Vizantiiskii Vremenik.    St Petersburg.

ZCK.    Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst.    Düsseldorf.

ZKG.    Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte.    Gotha.

ZKT.    Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie.    Gotha.

ZWT.    Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie.    Frankfurt-a.-M.

In the case of many other works given in the General Bibliography abbreviations as stated there are used.

UPDATE:  2003-12-06 15:00 UT.  Combined Abbreviations (originally posted as two) into one.

Impearls: 2003-06-22 Archive

Earthdate 2003-06-25

General Bibliography for Volume I.   The Christian Roman Empire.   I.  Dictionaries, Bibliographies and General Works of Reference

{Editor's note:  Entries from General Bibliography for Volume I which were cross referenced from Chapter IV's Bibliography, or which otherwise caught the Editor's eye, are included herein.}

Encyclopædia Britannica.    9th edn.    London.    1885-9.    Additional vols.    (10th edn.)    1902-3.    11th edn.    Cambridge.    1911.    (Enc. Br.)

Fabricius, J. A.    Bibliotheca Graeca sive Notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum.    4th edn.    Ed. Harles, G. C.    12 vols.    Hamburg.    1790-1809.    Index.    Leipsic.    1837.

General Bibliography for Volume I.   The Christian Roman Empire.   III.  Chronology.

{Editor's note:  Entries from General Bibliography for Volume I which were cross referenced from Chapter IV's Bibliography, or which otherwise caught the Editor's eye, are included herein.}

Clinton, H. F.    Fasti Hellenici.    3 vols.    Oxford.    1827-34.

———    Fasti Romani.    2 vols.    Oxford.    1845-50.    (Clinton, F. R.)

Goyan, G., ed. Cagnat, R.    Chronologie de l'empire romain.    Paris.    1891.    [Excellent handbook up to A.D. 395.]

General Bibliography for Volume I.   The Christian Roman Empire.   IV.  Collections of Sources.

{Editor's note:  Entries from General Bibliography for Volume I which were cross referenced from Chapter IV's Bibliography, or which otherwise caught the Editor's eye, are included herein.}

Codex Theodosianus, Gothofred, J.    Ed. Marvillius, A. and Ritter, I. D.    6 vols. in 3.    Leipsic.    1736-45.    Ed. Mommsen, Th. and Meyer, P. M.    Berlin.    1905.

Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum.    Vienna.    1866, in progress.    (CSEL.)

Corpus scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae.    Bonn.    1828-97.    (CSHB.)

Migne, J. P.    Patrologiae cursus completus.    Series graeca.    Paris.    1857-66.    161 vols. in 166.    (MPG.)

———    Do.    Series latina.    221 vols.    Paris.    1844-55.    Index, 4 vols.    1862-4.    (MPL.)

Monumenta Germaniae Historica.    Ed. Pertz, G. H., Mommsen, Th. and others.    Berlin.    1826, in progress.    (MGH.)


Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum.    Ed. Böckh and others.    Berlin.    1828-77.    (For Christian inscriptions cf. vol. IV, part 2, ed. Kirchhoff.)    (CIG.)

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.    Ed. Mommsen and others.    Berlin.    1862, in progress.    New edn.    1893, in progress.    (CIL.)

General Bibliography for Volume I.   The Christian Roman Empire.   V.  Modern Works.

{Editor's note:  Entries from General Bibliography for Volume I which were cross referenced from Chapter IV's Bibliography, or which otherwise caught the Editor's eye, are included herein.}

Broglie, J. V. A. duc de.    L'église et l'empire au IVe siècle.    6 vols.    Paris.    1856.    And later edns.

Bury, J. B.    A History of the later Roman Empire from Arcadius to Irene.    (395 A.D. to 800 A.D.)    2 vols.    London.    1889.

Dill, S.    Roman Society in the last Century of the Western Empire.    London.    1898.

Duruy, V.    Histoire des Romains depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à l'invasion des barbares.    1870 ff.    Transl. ed. Mahaffy, J. P.    History of Rome and of the Roman people.    London.    1883 ff.

Gibbon, Edward.    The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.    1776-81.    Ed. in 7 vols. by Bury, J. B.    1896.    Latest edn. 1909 ff.    (Bury-Gibbon.)    [Notes essential especially for chronology.]

Glover, T. R.    Life and Letters in the Fourth Century.    Cambridge.    1901.

———    The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire.    London.    1909.

Gregorovius, F.    Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter.    8 vols.    Stuttgart.    1859-72.    (Translated from 4th edition by Miss A. Hamilton.    London.    1894-1902.    8 vols. in 13.)

Harnack, Adolf.    Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte.    Freiburg-i.-B.    1886 ff.    Second enlarged edn.    1894-7.    4th edn.    1905 ff.    Transl. Buchanan, N. and others.    7 vols.    London.    1894-9.    Also Mitchel, A.    London and N.Y.    1893.

Hodgkin, T.    Italy and her invaders.    8 vols.    Oxford.    1880-99.    2nd edn.    Vols. 1-4 in 5.    1892-6.

Lecky, W. E. H.    History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne.    2 vols.    London.    1870.    [Very superficial.]

Le Nain de Tillemont, L. S. de.    Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles.    15 vols.    Brussels.    1693-1707.    2nd edn.    16 vols.    Paris.    1701-12.

———    Histoire des Empereurs.    6 vols.    1690-1738.

Mommsen, Th.    Römische Geschichte.    Vol V.    Leipsic.    1885.    Translated by Dickson, W. P.    The Provinces from Caesar to Diocletian.    2 vols.    1886.    2nd edn.    London.    1909.    Ed. Haverfield, F. J.

———    Römisches Staatsrecht.    3 vols.    1873-8.    3rd edn.    Leipsic.    1887-8.

Rainy, R.    The Ancient Catholic Church.    Edinburgh.    1902.    [Convenient handbook.]

Seeck, O.    Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt.    3 vols.    Berlin.    1895-1909.    2nd edn.    I-II and 2 supplements.    1898-1901.

Bibliography.   Chapter IV.   The Triumph of Christianity.   A.  Original Authorities.  by the Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., LL.D.

For de Broglie, Bury, Dill, Duruy (hist. rom.), Gibbon, Glover, Gregorovius, Harnack (D. G.), Hodgkin (Italy and Inv.), Lecky, Seeck (Untergang), Le Nain de Tillemont, see Gen. Bibl.

Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.    Opera Omnia.    8 vols.    Venice.    1781.    English translation.    Select works and letters.    Oxford.    1896.

Ammianus Marcellinus.    See Gen. Bibl.

Apuleius Madaurensis.    Opera Omnia ex optimis codicibus edidit....    Hildebrand, G. F.    Leipsic.    1843.    Thomas, P.    Leipsic.    1908.    Transl. The Metamophoses of Apuleius,    Head, Sir G.    London.    1851.    The Golden Ass,    Adlington, W.    London.    1566 and 1904.    (Chiswick Library.)    Butler, H. E.    2 vols.    Oxford.    1910.

Arnobius Afer.    Adversus nationes; libri septem.    CSEL.    1866.    Transl. in Clark's Ante-Nicene Library.    Edinburgh.    1871.

Augustinus Aurelius.    De Civitate Dei.    Ed. Dombart, 1st and 3rd edn.    1877-92.    Transl. in Dent's Temple Classics.    Also by    Dods, E. M.    Edinburgh.    1871-6.    And other edns.

———    The Confessions of Augustine.    A critical edition by Gibb, J. and Montgomery, W.    Cambridge.    1908.    Transl. in Dent's Everyman's Library.

———    Epistolae.    The 2nd vol. of Opera Omnia.    Bassano.    1797.

———    Works also in    CSEL.    1891-1900.    MPL 32-46.

Ausonius, Decimus Magnus.    Opera.    MPL 19.    Paris.    1844.

Cassiodorus Senator.    Variae ... recensuit    Mommsen, T.    In MGH, auct. ant.    Vol. XII.

———    The letters of Cassiodorus ...    with an introduction by Hodgkin, T.    London.    1886.

Chronicon Paschale.    CSHB.    1832.    Cf. JTS, April, 1906.

Claudianus.    Carmina.    Ed. Birt, T.    MGH.    1892.    Koch, J.    Leipsic.    1893.    Ludwich, A.    Leipsic.    1897.

———    Opera.    Ed. Doullay.    Paris.    1845.    English transl. Hawkins, A.    London.    1817.

Cyrilli, Alexandriae Episcopi, pro sancta Christianorum religione, adversus libros Athei Juliani.    Ed. Berbosio, N. and Aubertus, J.    Leipsic.    1696.

Ephraim the Syrian.    (The four poems of Ephraim against Julian have been translated into German and published, by Bickell, in ZKT for 1878.)

Eunapius.    Vitae Sophistarum et Fragmenta Historiarum.    MPG.    Boissonnade, J. F.    2 vols.    Amsterdam.    1822.    Another edn. Paris.    1849.    Dindorf, L.    Historici Graeci Minores.    2 vols.    Leipsic.    1870-1.

Eutropius.    Breviarium Historiae Romanae.    Ed. Havercamp.    Leyden.    1729.    Rühl, F.    Leipsic.    1887.    MGH.    1879.    Transl. Watson, J. S.    London.    1875.    And others.

Gregory of Nazianzus.    Orationes contra Julianum.    MPG 35.    Paris.    1857.    Mason, A. J.    Cambridge.    1899.

Himerii Sophistae Oratio qua laudes urbis Constantinopoleos et Juliani Augusti celebrantur.    Ed. Wernsdorf, G.    Erlangen.    1785.

———    Declamationes ...    Dübner, Fr.    Paris.    1849.

Iamblichus.    De Mysteriis Egyptiorum Liber.    Ed. Parthey, G.    Berlin.    1857.    Transl. by Taylor, T.    Chiswick.    1821.

———    Vita Pythagorica.    Leipsic.    1815-16.

Jerome.    Eusebii Hieronymi Opera.    Venice.    1766, and MPL.    English transl. of the Epistles in Nicene Library.    2nd series.    Vol. VI.    1893.    See Bibl. to ch. I, II, and V.

Julianus, Flavius Claudius.    Juliani Imperatoris quae supersunt praeter reliquias apud Cyrillum omnia.    Ed. Hertlein.    (Teubner.)    2 vols.    Leipsic.    1875.

———    Juliani Imperatoris librorum contra Christianos quae supersunt.    Collected and ed. by Neumann, C. J.    Leipsic.    1880.    Also German transl.    Kaiser Julians Bücher gegen die Christen.    Neumann, C. J.    Leipsic.    1880.

Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus.    Opera Omnia.    MPG 6, 7.    Ed. Brandt, S.    CSEL.    2 vols.    1890-3.    Transl. in Ante-Nicene Library.

Libanius.    Libanii Opera recensuit Richardus Förster.    (Teubner.)    4 vols.    Leipsic.    1903-8.    (Does not contain the Epistles.)

———    Libanii Epistolae.    Ed. Wolff, J. C.    Amsterdam.    1738.

Macrobius.    Opera.    Ed. Eyssenhardt.    (Teubner.)    Leipsic.    1868.

Mamertinus.    Gratiarum actio Juliano Augusto pro consulato.    MPG 18.    Paris.    1848.    Ed. Bährens.    (Teubner.)    Leipsic.    1874.

Maternus.    Julius Firmicus.    De errore profanorum religionum.    Ed. Halm, C.    CSEL.    1867.

Maximus of Turin.    Opera Omnia (chiefly homilies).    MPL 67.

Minucius Felix.    Ed. Halm, C.    CSEL.    1868.    Transl. in Clark's Ante-Nicene Library.    Edinburgh.    1869.

Orosius, Paulus.    Historiae adversus paganos libri septem.    Ed. Havercamp.    Leyden.    1738.    Also MPL 31.    Paris.    1846.    Also ed. Zangemeister.    CSEL.    1882.    (Teubner.)    Leipsic.    1889.

Paulinus Nolanus.    Carmina de St Martino.    Pressburg (Hungary).    1817.    In A. Jordansky's Biographi Veteres Sancti Martini Turonensis Episcopi.    MPL 61.    CSEL 30.    1894.

Philostorgius.    Ecclesiasticae Historiae Libri septem.    Ed. Valesius, H.    Paris.    1673.    Also MPG 44.

Plotinus.    Opera.    Ed. Kirchhoff, A.    Leipsic.    1856.    Volkmann, R.    (Teubner.)    2 vols.    Leipsic.    1883-4.

Porphyry.    Vita Plotini.    Leipsic.    1815-16.

Procopius.    Anecdota a Historia Arcana.    Ed. Eichel, J.    Helmstädt.    1654.    CSHB.    Muratori.    See Gen. Bibl., Vol I.    Transl.    London.    1672.    Another in the Athenian Society's Publication for 1896.

Prudentius, Clemens Aurelius.    Prudentii quae exstant Carmina recensuit A. Dressel.    Leipsic.    1860.    Also MPL 59, 60.

Rufinus, Tyrannius.    Historia ecclesiastica.    MPL 21.    Nicene Library.    1892.

Rutilius Claudius Namatianus.    Rutilii Claudii Namatiani De Reditu suo libri duo.    Ed. Keene, C. H. and Savage-Armstrong, G. F.    London.    1907.

———    Édition critique, accompagnée d'une traduction française et d'un index, et suivie d'une étude historique et littéraire sur l'œuvre et l'auteur.    Vessereau, J.    Paris.    1904.

Salvianus Massiliensis.    Opera Omnia.    Ed. Pauly, F.    Vienna Corpus.    1868.    De Gubernatione Dei.    Ed. Halm, C.    Berlin.    1878.

Sidonius Apollinaris, Caius Sollius.    Opera Omnia.    In Nisard's Collection des auteurs latins.    Paris.    1850.    Also ed. Krusch, Bruno in MGH.    1887.

Socrates.    Historia ecclesiastica.    Ed. Hussey, R.    Oxford.    1853.    Bright, W.    Oxford.    1872.    MPG 67.    English transl. in Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers...    Wace, H. and Schaff, P.    2nd series.    Vol. II.    Oxford and New York.    1891.

Sozomen.    Historia Ecclesiastica.    Ed. Hussey, R.    Oxford.    1860.    Also MPG 67.    English translation in Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers...    Wace, H. and Schaff, P.    2nd series.    Vol. II.    Oxford and New York.    1891.

Sulpicius Severus.    Libri qui supersunt.    Ed. Halm, C.    CSEL.    1866.

Symmachus, G.    Aurelii Symmachi quae supersunt edidit Otto Seeck.    1883.    MGH, auctores antiquissimi.    VI, pt 1.

Synesius.    Opera.    In MPG 66.

———    Die Briefe des Bischofs Synesius von Kyrene.    Fritz, W.    1898.

Themistius.    Πολιτικοι Λογοι.    Ed. Dindorf.    Leipsic.    1832.

Theodoret.    Historia ecclesiastica.    Ed. Gaisford, Th.    Oxford.    1854.    MPG 82.

Zonaras, Joannes.    Epitomae Historiarum libri XVIII (books XII and XIII).    Ed. Büttner-Wobst, Th.    Berlin.    1897.    MPG.    CSHB.

Zosimus.    Historia nova.    CSHB.    1837.    Also ed. Mendelssohn, L.    Dorpat.    1887.

Codex Theodosianus.    Ed. Hänel.    CSHB.    1842.    Mommsen, Th.    1905.    Vol. I.

CIL.    See Gen. Bibl.

CIG.    See Gen. Bibl.

Fabricius.    Bibliotheca Graeca.    7th vol.

Bibliography.   Chapter IV.   The Triumph of Christianity.   B.  Modern Works.  by the Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., LL.D.

For de Broglie, Bury, Dill, Duruy (hist. rom.), Gibbon, Glover, Gregorovius, Harnack (D. G.), Hodgkin (Italy and Inv.), Lecky, Seeck (Untergang), Le Nain de Tillemont, see Gen. Bibl.

Adler, Hermann.    The Emperor Julian and the Jews.    Jewish Quarterly Review for July, 1893.

Allard, Paul.    Julien l'Apostat.    2 vols.    Paris.    1900-3.

———    Le christianisme et l'empire romain de Néron à Théodose.    Paris.    1897.

Anrich, Gustave.    Das antike Mysterienwesen in seinem Einfluss auf das Christentum.    Göttingen.    1894.

Asmus, J. R.    Kaiser Julians philosophische Werke übersetzt und erklärt.    1908.

———    Julian's Brief über Pegasius.    ZKG.    Vol. XXIII.    Gotha.    1902.

———    Ist die pseudojustinische Cohortatio ad Graecos eine Streitschrift gegen Julian?    ZWT.    Leipsic.    1895.

Beugnot, A.    Histoire de la destruction du Paganisme en Occident.    Paris.    1835.

Biegelmair, Andreas.    Die Beteiligung der Christen am öffentlichen Leben in vorconstantinischer Zeit.    Munich.    1902.

Bigg, Charles.    The Church's Task in the Roman Empire.    Oxford.    1905.

Boissier, Gaston.    La Religion Romaine d'Auguste aux Antonius.    2nd edn.    Paris.    1878.

———    La Fin du Paganisme.    Étude sur les dernières luttes religieuses en occident au quatrième siècle.    2 vols.    5th edn.    Paris.    1907.

Bouché-Leclercq, A.    Histoire de la divination dans l'Antiquité.    4 vols.    Paris.    1879-82.

Burckhardt, J.    Die Zeit Constantius des Grossen.    2nd edn.    Leipsic.    1880.

Capes, W. W.    University Life in Ancient Athens.    London.    1877.

Caspari, C. P.    Kirchenhistorische Anecdota.    Vol. I.    Christiania.    1883.

Chassang, Alexis.    Histoire du roman et de ses rapports avec l'histoire dans l'antiquité Grecque et Latine.    Paris.    1862.

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